
Top Tips to Commemorate Diwali 2022 in a Neater, Greener & Perfect Way

Top Tips to Commemorate Diwali 2022 in a Neater, Greener & Perfect Way

When Diwali arrives, the nation twinkles with fireworks, splendor, flashiness, lights, and incredible celebrations. People move all out to brighten their lives and residences with a joyous vibe. While the Diwali festival was about brightening earthen diyas and devoting time to near and close ones, today, it has spun into a sensation of flashy lights, noisy firecrackers, and everything that impacts environmental breakdown and destruction of energy. Air gets degraded, pets get terrified, people get wounded, and not to refer to the long-term outcomes of such insensible actions. Nonetheless, not all is misplaced yet. If you push a little effort,…
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